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I picked up my first camera at the age of seven. It was a Brownie box camera and with it I photographed my world: dog, pony, friends, snowdrifts in the chilly Minnesota winters. It was magic. Carving out little vignettes from the vast world was utterly compelling.


I love the way the light creates the atmosphere. I love the spontaneous gesture, the tangible recognition of eyes meeting eyes, the process of helping people show up to tell their story.  Moments of human presence, of connectedness, of pure joy, of meaningful work; these are the hallmarks of my approach - this is what I see.


I’m a commercial photographer / director based in the Bay Area, with a studio in Oakland, California. I work with companies, universities, foundations, and many other types of organizations doing interesting work. Among other things, I create portraits, film interviews, document company culture, and capture scientific progress in biotech labs. 


I’d love to connect with you about your project.



nancyrothsteinphoto@gmail.com | 510-384-9298